Project TEL4RAIN

References Tel4Rain

Fencl et al. 2013: Assessing the potential of using telecommunication microwave links in urban drainage modelling. Water Science & Technology 68, no. 8: 1810–18
Fencl et al. 2015: Commercial microwave links instead of rain gauges: fiction or reality? Water Science & Technology 71, no. 1: 31–37
Grabner et al. 2016: Attenuation due to hydrometeors in three millimeter wave bands. Proc. of the 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, pp. 1-4, April 2016
Fencl et al. 2017: Gauge-adjusted rainfall estimates from commercial microwave links. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 617-634,
Stránský et al. 2017: Runoff Prediction Using Rainfall Data from Microwave Links: Tabor Case Study. Water Sci. Technol. (2018) 2017 (2): 351-359,
Fencl et al. 2018: Quantifying Wet Antenna Attenuation at 38 GHz Commercial Microwave Links of Cellular Backhaul. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters PP (99): 1-5, DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2018.2876696


Bareš 2017: Vysílače umožní přesné měření srážek, a tedy i předpovídání záplav. Tisková zpráva T-Mobile, 30. 5. 2017
Bareš 2014: Telekomunikační mikrovlnné spoje jako virtuální srážkoměry. Tecnicall, 2014 (3), pp 32.